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Adult Community Services Program

ESCNJ Adult Community Services is a program that offers individuals, with intellectual and developmental disabilities, 21 and over an opportunity to strive for independence by helping to develop their social, emotional, and life skills. Individuals will have the ability to explore their interests, participate in community inclusion, prevocational learning, volunteering, and job sampling. A cornerstone of the program is bridging the gap between school and adulthood through hands-on experience that can be transferred to real world opportunities.


Division of Developmental Disabilities approved services

Day Habilitation

Prevocational Training 

  • Respite


Program Components

  1. Workspaces: Group setting and Individual setting. 
  2. Prevocational Room: Concentration: Soft work skills and simulated work tasks.
  3. Life Skills: For example - Telling time and safety signs.
  4. Daily Living Skills: For example - Choosing healthy foods, choices, decision-making, problem-solving. We also have a simulated daily living skills room.
  5. Natural Occurring Skills: For example - Using the microwave during lunch or using a pencil sharpener.
  6. Physical activity - Gym: Basic exercises and yoga.
  7. Social Skills: Communication, relationship building and boundaries.
  8. Leisure Skills- Playing board games and socializing with friends.
  9. Self-Advocacy- Participant Advisory Committee Meetings.


Providing access to options, assistance, and opportunities to develop skills to achieve independence.


Striving toward independence.


Person-First: Looking at the person for the individual that they are and taking an empathetic approach to deliver quality services. 

Meaningful Engagement: Providing opportunities to engage in advocacy, collaboration, and inclusion.

Growth: Taking steps towards independence.

Patience: The opportunity for everyone to go at their own pace.

Community: Working together to build a bridge to support each other.

Facility Features

                                          Technology                                                           Sensory Space

                                           6 Workspaces                                                       Spacious Gym

                                           Life Skills Room                                                     Work Readiness Room

                                          Prevocational Room                                              Cafeteria with Professional Kitchen


First page of the PDF file: Jan2025Newsletter



ESCNJ ACS Program Cancellation Procedures


When the ESCNJ ACS Program must be closed for an entire day, such notice will be announced over

WCTC - A.M. 1450 and

WMGQ - FM 98.3,

WNJN-FM 101.5

News 12- Cablevision TV

You may also call the ESCNJ ACS Program at 732-777-9860 to listen to a recorded message.

An automated call system (Honeywell Instant Alert) has also been implemented to notify participants/families/caregivers of program closings/delays.

You can also check the following websites and look up Educational Services Commission of New Jersey programs:


All ESCNJ ACS Program delayed openings will be announced on the above radio as follows:

“Educational Services Commission of New Jersey- delayed openings at all locations.”

Our standard delayed opening is (1) hour. 

You may also call the ESCNJ ACS Program at 732-777-9860 after 7:30 A.M. or for a recorded message before 7:30 A.M.

Delayed openings will also be announced via the Honeywell Instant Alert System.


When it becomes necessary to close once the ESCNJ ACS Program is in session, every effort will be made to telephone families. Parents/guardians/caregivers are requested to: Please provide supervision for the participant if Parents/guardians/caregivers will not be at home when participants arrive. Working parents/guardians/caregivers are requested to plan ahead and to provide for the supervision of the participant should an early closing become necessary.



  • NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities: 
  • The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities: