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Chapter 192/193 Services

Compensatory Education

Instructional services in the areas of Language Arts and Mathematics. Test scores determine student eligibility. Results are measured according to guidelines established by the New Jersey State Department of Education. An individual student improvement plan (ISIP) is developed for each eligible student.


English-As-A-Second-Language (ESL) is a developmental language program for students with limited English Proficiency. An eligible student receives ESL instruction in listening, comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing in English.  Eligibility criteria for ESL services: A native language other than English and below standard scores on an English Proficiency Test will qualify a student for individual instruction.

Title I

This federal program provides supplemental education and related services to educationally disadvantaged students attending schools serving low-income areas. The program uses poverty measures to allocate resources down to the school levels.

Title III

This program supports immigrant students by providing additional instruction for English Language Learners.

Speech Therapy

Services students eligible for speech/language services only or those eligible for speech as a related service.

Supplemental Instruction

Instruction is provided to a student with a disability classified as eligible for special education and related services.
Please note: Child Study Team referrals and evaluations determine eligibility for special education and related services.